A Method for Determining the composition of Aqueous Highly Concentrated Salt Mixture Solution by Attenuated Total- Reflectance IR spectrometry


A Method for Determining the composition of Aqueous Highly Concentrated Salt Mixture Solution by Attenuated Total- Reflectance IR spectrometry
吉川 直人、佐藤 寿邦*、大矢 晴彦*  *:横浜国立大学
Analitical Sciences, 14, 803-808(1998)

In the table-salt manufacturing process, the mother liquid and the concentrated brine in a crystallizer are highly concentrated salt-mixture solutions comprising NaCl, MgCl2, KCl and CaCl2, and a determination of their concentrations plays an important role. A method is proposed to determine the concentration of each component in the mother liquid and the concentrated brine using the absorbance change relative to the water absorption at six wave numbers by attenuated total-reflectance IR (ATR-IR) spectrometry; an experimental confirmation can be used to accurately determine the composition. In particular, for MgCl2, whose spectral change is larger than that of the other components, its concentration can be quantitatively determined with an accuracy nearly equal to that of a chemical analysis.
