Research Institute

Research Institute

Research Institute of Salt and Sea Water Science

In our country, which is not blessed with natural resources such as rock salt, a long term concern has been the effective production of salt, which is so essential to our lives, from sea water.

The Research Institute of Salt and Sea Water Science are engaged to develop technology for the effective production of safe and inexpensive salt and to provide scientific information regarding salt to consumers.

1.Research on salt manufacturing technology

  • Development of hi-efficiency salt manufacturing processes and cost reduction
  • Development of the seawater resource recovery technology

2.Research on commodity technology

  • Development of product design technology
  • Development of appropriate technology for processing

3.Research on quality of salt and analysis techniques

  • Investigations into quality and safety of edible salt
  • Development of analysis techniques relating to salt

4.Trustee analysis services

  • Trustee analysis for salt, sea water and related issues

We perform trustee analysis of salt, sea water and bittern in accordance with "ISO/IEC17025", the internationally recognized accreditation related to laboratory analysis and inspection technology
